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Staff Component

We believe that in order to have a successful Character Education Program, it must first start with adults. We are the models our children see for six and a half hours every day. This includes all staff.

The 3R’s and Trait of the Month

It applies to us, too! It is our responsibility to model these traits and teach our students by example.

Character Trait Lessons

Teachers teach lessons and complete class activities about the monthly character traits. Throughout the year they also incorporate information about the traits into their regular curriculum.

Bulletin Boards

Teachers highlight information about the monthly character traits and student produced work that relates to the character traits in a special area of the classrooms. Some of the teachers dedicate an entire bulletin board to the character trait of the month while others creatively use other focal points in the room to make their display.

Staff Development

Staff members are asked to give input for the staff development plan for the year. Special guest speakers as well as ILT members and staff will address staff needs.