Student Component
The 3R’s
Respect, Responsibility and the Right to Learn is the umbrella that we use for all school-wide efforts. We emphasize a different character trait each month. Those traits include: Respect, Responsibility, Caring, Fairness, Honesty, Self-Control, Citizenship, Cooperation and Perseverance.
We believe that these traits affect life choices and behavior. We articulate our expectations with staff and students through these traits. Our students hear us use these terms daily as we interact with each other.
Character Education Mission Statement
Mary B. Neal Elementary School strives to encourage the development of good character in each individual and the community as a whole. This will be achieved through the staff teaching and modeling positive character traits with an emphasis on respect, responsibility, honesty, and caring. Students will learn what actions show good character and will be able to recognize good choices in self and others. Enhancing these skills will help our students choose the path of good character throughout their lives.
It is important that positive character traits are taught throughout our school day. While they are often taught through mini-lessons they are consistently addressed in reading, writing, mathematics, science, social studies, health, physical education, music as well as lunch, recess and assemblies.
Trait of the Month
The trait of the month provides time to focus on that trait although the 3R’s are constant throughout our school all year. The traits are displayed in each classroom and the hallways. The hallways are even named after the traits of the month. The trait of the month is highlighted during our closed circuit TV morning announcements and they are written in our school newsletters to community and parents as well as displayed on the school marquee.
Blue Crab Claws
This section is being revised.
Neal Pledge
It is said each day after the Pledge of Allegiance on the morning announcements.
As a Neal Blue Crab,
I promise to show the 3Rs;
Respect, Responsibility and the Right to Learn,
in all that I do. I will strive for excellence in my attitude, my behavior and my character.